Monday, March 8, 2010

content vs decoration

There are many reasons why I love my husband but one of them is that he keeps me in check and pushes me to do better.

The last firing was my first time back to clay and everything was a bit scattered. I was trying a few new to me things and slowly feeling my way back. I had my cups all lined up in a row and Jake looks at me and says "great now what?". I looked at him like what do you mean. He started explaining that my cups lack content.

so we had a decent discussion about content vs decoration. Some of my drawings, okay all of them, just felt forced and didn't have much thought behind them. I sat down with my sketch book and realized that the common thread between the drawings I liked was hunter.


I'm around him 24hrs a day (give or take 2)and why wouldn't my inspiration come from him and the objects around him. So I gave in and realized that he is what interests me and makes most sense in my world and then the drawings finally made sense.


I get to throw while little man naps and I love love love my video monitor.

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